SafeVisitor Advisory Board
Success Requires a Shared Sense of Purpose. Experienced. Dedicated. Proven.
Advisory Board
Our team has provided thousands of hours of security training and consulting to organizations such as Homeland Security, Department of Defense, and Department of Justice.
Our team includes: former Law Enforcement Officers, a member of the Secret Service Presidential Details, a Navy Seal Cyber-Intelligence Officer, School Security Directors, and a variety of Security Software Engineers.
Director of Security, Anthem, U.S. Secret Service, retired
Paul Dvorak is the Director of Security for Anthem and the retired U.S. Secret Service Special Agent in Charge (SAIC) of the Indianapolis Field Office. While at the Indianapolis Secret Service Office, Mr. Dvorak was responsible for managing protective responsibilities for our nation’s leaders, as well as investigations impacting the financial infrastructure and payment system in the State of Indiana. In fact, Mr. Dvorak was appointed the Indianapolis 500 Federal Coordinator by the Secretary of Homeland Security for several years.
Prior to his assignment in Indiana, Mr. Dvorak was assigned to the Secret Service Headquarters where he oversaw the travel logistics for more than 6,000 employees in support of the President and Vice President’s domestic and international travel. As a supervisor in the Dignitary Protective Division, Mr. Dvorak coordinated the overall security plan for two United Nations General Assemblies attended by over 350 world leaders. He also managed logistics for visits of foreign dignitaries to the United States, including Pope Benedict XVI and Queen Elizabeth II.
Mr. Dvorak served on the Presidential Protective Division during the George W. Bush Administration where he conducted protective advances and physical security. He began his career in the Birmingham Field Office as a criminal investigator. Mr. Dvorak is certified as Senior Executive Service by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
Davis Corporate Training, Retired Director of Security, Fort Wayne Community Schools
Dottie Davis is the Owner of Davis Corporate Training, Inc., a private training, and consulting business. She began her career in law enforcement in 1981 with the Fort Wayne (IN) Police Department (FWPD) where she served for nearly 32 years. Ms. Davis held the rank of patrol officer, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, and last served as the Director of Training at the Academy, holding the rank of Deputy Chief. Her career spans multiple roles, such as serving as a hostage negotiator, implementing the Crisis Intervention Team with the Fort Wayne Police Department to better serve individuals in a mental health crisis, as well as bringing the Lethality Assessment Program to assist first responders in determining whether a victim of domestic violence was at risk of homicide. In 2003, Ms. Davis was the first female officer of the FWPD selected to attend the National FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. During her career she received numerous commendations, including two Meritorious Service Citations.
After retiring in 2013, she was selected as the Director of Security for Fort Wayne Community Schools (FWCS), the largest school corporation in the State of Indiana with over 30,000 students and nearly 5,000 employees. Ms. Davis was responsible for supervising approximately 100 law enforcement officers and other security personnel in the schools. During her employment with FWCS, she developed and implemented safety protocols for 63 buildings, which included emergency plans utilizing plain talk, mass push notifications in the event of a lockout or lockdown, and creating a visitor/vendor/volunteer management system that was installed in all schools within the district to identify sex offenders and excluded parties, as well as to know who was on premise in the event of a critical incident.
Ms. Davis serves as a Board member for the YWCA Northeast Indiana, Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center, Mental Health America of Northeast Indiana, and the Euell Wilson Center.
FBI, retired. Administrator National School Safety Alliance
Administrator, National School Safety Alliance. Previously served as Director, Missouri Center for Education Safety & ongoing Senior Policy Advisor. Previously served as Missouri’s Homeland Security Coordinator and responsible for the day to day operations of the Missouri Office of Homeland Security. Provide coordination, guidance and direction for Missouri’s Homeland Security programs. Previously provided instruction and insight for a Department of Homeland Security/New Mexico Tech courses for “first responders” titled Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings and Prevention and Response to Suicide Bombings. Conducted terrorism related investigations on behalf of the FBI as a Special Agent and provided bomb technician support to FBI investigations, including World Trade Center/911, USS Cole, and African Embassy bombing investigations. Organized and coordinated the Kansas/Missouri Bomb Technician Working Group and the Missouri Terrorism Working Group. Conducted training and seminars related to terrorism, WMD, and bombing crime scene matters throughout the United States and abroad. Supported the FBI’s Rapid Deployment Team” worldwide as a bomb technician. Helped implement “Regionalization” concept for “homeland security programs” in Missouri. Coordinated establishment of numerous Missouri Homeland Security initiatives to include the Missouri Public-Private Partnership (P-3), Homeland Security/School Safety Working Group, Senior Reserve Corps, and others. Coordinated several “TSWG” funded research projects for KS/MO Bomb Tech Working Group.
Superintendent, Goreville Schools, IL
Dr. Steve Webb is the best-selling author of “Education in a Violent World: A Practical Guide to Keeping our Kids Safe”, an award winning educator, law enforcement officer and the founder of Safe Secure Systems - a consulting firm that helps businesses, churches, schools and communities enact and enhance proven safety tactics. He is a certified A.L.I.C.E. Active Threat Training Instructor and R.A.I.D.E.R. Solo Engagement Tactics Level II Police Instructor.
He was recently named the 2022 Illinois Superintendent of the Year.
He is a Board certified Social Media Threat Intelligence Expert and Workplace Violence Threat Assessment Specialist that has been a leader for organizations across the nation. Dr. Webb is a nationally known safety expert who has been recognized as a “Leader Among Us” by the Southern Business Journal and has been a featured personal safety expert called upon by all of the major national television networks.
Vulnerability Solutions Group LLC, PA State Police Retired
Prior to his position as a founding member of Vulnerability Solutions Group, LLC, Brian Krause served 25 years as a Trooper with the Pennsylvania State Police. In this time, he was a member of the Risk & Vulnerability Assessment Team (RVAT) within the Domestic Security Division, focusing primarily on conducting risk and vulnerability assessments of public and private facilities and events throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Mr. Krause also has extensive experience and expertise in conducting complex and sensitive investigations. Throughout his career, he has worked with countless local, state, federal and international law enforcement officials, as well as prosecutors at every level.
In his 19 years as a criminal investigator, Mr. Krause conducted thousands of investigations involving the full spectrum of investigative disciplines, including: homicide, robbery, burglary, assault, sexual assault, drug, fraud, asset misappropriation, forgery, theft, and insurance fraud. He has successfully assisted in the prosecution of countless cases in state and federal courts, as well as located and recovered stolen assets and personal property throughout the state and nation. Mr. Krause also has extensive experience in gathering intelligence and conducting physical and electronic surveillance in a wide array of sensitive criminal investigations.
Mr. Krause is Certified as a Physical Security Professional (PSP) by ASIS International and is a graduate of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Physical Security Training Program at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, in Glynco, Georgia. He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Administration of Justice from Pennsylvania State University where he graduated with honors.
F.B.I. Retired
Cal Black grew up in the Chicago area and graduated from Wabash College in Crawfordsville, IN in 1966. Mr. Black served in the FBI from 1969-1983 in Jackson, San Francisco (and Oakland RA), FBIHQ, and Indianapolis. As an agent, some of his many responsibilities included Informant Coordinator, Applicant Coordinator, Special Agents Legal Defense Fund Representative, Physical Fitness Coordinator, Bank Robbery Coordinator, Senior SWAT Team Leader and Firearms and Defense Tactics Instructor.
After retiring from Bureau service, Mr. Black became Vice President and Director of Corporate Security for INB National Bank, Indianapolis. He was elected the first Chairman of the Crime Committee, City of Indianapolis, in 1987. In 1988 he was elected President, Board of Police Commissioners, Crawfordsville, IN. Mr. Black has also held positions as a Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Financial Services Security Professional, board member on the Central Indiana Crime Stoppers Board of Directors, and as a Director of D.A.R.E. Indiana, Inc.
Dr. Black has received many honors throughout his lifetime, including recognition by the Indianapolis Police Department, the Marion County Sheriff’s Department, the Metropolitan Drug Task Force, the Indiana State Police and the Indianapolis Division of the FBI. He was very active in the Indiana Chapter of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI as Secretary/Treasurer, Vice Chairman and Chairman. In 2000 Dr. Black was selected to serve a three-year term as a Trustee of the Former Agents Foundation. Cal is a member of the FBI Agents Association and is a lifetime member of the J. Edgar Hoover Center for Law Enforcement. He is a member of both the Indianapolis and Phoenix chapters of the Society.
Systems Engineer, Central Security and Communications
Mike Greenwald has over 38 years of commercial and institutional security and alarm, fire, access control, video, and integrated systems experience. Mr. Greenwald has been with Central Security & Communications (CSC) since 2002. Before coming to CSC, he worked as an executive at Interface Security, Securitylink and ACT Security.
Through his extensive experience, Mr. Greenwald has developed knowledge and skills in selling, coordinating, managing, and planning multiple projects in multiple trades including, security, electrical and communication. This experience and expertise have allowed him to successfully sell and manage projects in occupied facilities and campuses while minimizing interruption once construction begins. Mr. Greenwald has also managed offices and regions along with starting several security companies.
Mr. Greenwald has worked with many distinguished organizations including the Indiana State Board of Health, the Warren, Washington, and Pike Township Schools, the IRS, Wishard Hospital, and Vera Bradley, to name a few.
Founder, Vespa Group, Former Navy Seal
Tony Vespa is the founder of Vespa Group, a security and technology consulting firm headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science, is a distinguished graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, and completed six overseas deployments during his time in the Service.
Mr. Vespa is an expert in intelligence collection, exploitation, and fusion and has extensive experience in U.S. interagency and foreign government collaboration. He has a passion for solving complex problems and is committed to having a profound impact on our national security through innovation, collaboration, and economic development.
Mr. Vespa is actively engaged with key Indiana stakeholders such as the Indiana Office of Technology, Indiana Economic Development Corporation, National Center for Complex Operations, and the Cyber Leadership Alliance.